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Mezclajeté® Tomato Poke – Vegetarian

Whenever someone says “poke”, ahi tuna usually comes to mind, not tomatoes. This is our version of a vegetarian poke recipe using Mezclajeté and tomatoes.
 1-14.5 oz can of Whole Peeled Tomatoes
 4 tsp. Mezclajeté® Especial Salsa Picante
 2 tsp. Toasted Sesame Oil
 ¼ tsp. Tamari (for gluten free marinade)
 ¼ tsp. Sugar

Remove whole peeled tomatoes from the can, cut them into ½” chunks and set aside. In a mixing bowl, whisk the toasted sesame oil and Mezclajeté® until emulsified. Add tamari and sugar and whisk until blended. Fold the tomato chunks into the marinade and refrigerate for at least 20 minutes or up to 8 hours. Serve with sticky white rice and garnish with nori komi furikake and cucumber. Or toss tomato poke with diced red onion, diced avocado and serve with tortilla chips. Serves 2