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Mezclajeté® Spicy Apple Pie ala Mode

This is the next best thing to apple pie and ready in a minute. Enjoy this sweet, spicy and creamy cocktail after dinner or as a happy hour treat.
 1 oz Frangelico®
 1 ½ oz Apple Juice or Apple Cider
 ½ tsp Mezclajete® Especial Salsa Picante
 3 tbs Heavy Cream (optional) - you can use less cream if you choose
 Apple slice - Garnish

In a shaker half filled with ice, pour Frangelico®, apple juice and Mezclajete® Especial and shake until well blended. Pour cocktail through a strainer into a chilled martini glass. Float the heavy cream on top and garnish with an apple slice.

Serves 1

If you just want a Spicy Apple Pie, omit the heavy cream.

Created by Diane Greening