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Mezclajeté® Especial Spanish Rice

A great base for a hearty one-pot meal.
 1½ cups Long Grain White Rice
 1-8oz can Tomato Sauce
 2 cups Chicken Broth
 1 cup Diced Onion
 1 cup Frozen Fire Roasted Corn
 3 tbs. Mezclajete® Especial Salsa Picante Hot Sauce
 2 tbs. Oil (we recommend Grapeseed Oil)
 1½ tsp. Dried Oregano
 Green Onions, thinly sliced

For best results, use a large sauté pan with a lid. If you use a saucepan, the rice could come out sticky.

In a large sauté pan, heat oil over medium high heat. Add diced onions and sauté for approximately 1 minute. Add rice to the pan and sauté, stirring the rice constantly for approximately 1-2 minutes until it begins to turn white and becomes lightly toasted. Pour tomato sauce, chicken broth and Mezclajete® Especial Salsa Picante Hot Sauce over the rice and stir until well blended. Sprinkle dried oregano over the top of the rice mixture but do not stir in. Once the rice begins to boil, lower heat to simmer and cover. DO NOT stir rice while it is cooking or it will become gummy.

Cook for approximately 25 minutes (check rice at 20 minutes) or until rice is tender and all the liquid has been absorb. Take the pan off the heat and pour the frozen corn over the top of the rice, re-cover the pan and let sit for about 10 minutes. Remove the lid and fold in the corn. Top with sliced green onion. Serve with extra Mezclajete® Especial Salsa Picante Hot Sauce for those who would like it spicier. Makes 4½ cups.

Add leftover meats like steak or chicken to the rice or you can add 1 lb. of cooked ground beef to the rice to take this from a side dish to an entree.

For a vegetarian style Spanish Rice, you can use vegetable broth.

The leftovers make a great burrito bowl or add it to chicken broth to make a chicken and rice soup. The rice freezes well so don't hesitate to make the full recipe.