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Mezclajeté® Especial Sangrita

Sangrita is a fruity, non-alcoholic chaser when sipping Tequila. Some make their Sangrita with tomato juice but our version is more sweet and spicy. Try it the next time you're sipping Tequila.
 1 cup Orange Juice
 ½ cup Pomegranate Juice*(we recommend Pom® brand)
 1 tbs. Fresh Lime Juice
 1 tbs. Mezclajete® Especial Salsa Picante Hot Sauce

Mix all the ingredients together in a small pitcher or large measuring cup. Serve immediately in a separate shot glass to accompany your tequila. Makes about 1½ cups.

Note: You can refrigerate the Sangrita until ready to serve. It gets spicier as it sits.

Some Sangritas have finely minced fresh white onions in it for a dash of savory crunchiness. If you want to try it, add about 1 tsp. of finely minced fresh white onion to the above recipe.

* Do NOT use Grenadine as a substitute for Pomegranate Juice. They are not the same thing and will make your Sangrita too sweet.