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Mezclajeté® Especial Michelada

In some places this would be called a Red Beer, but no matter what you call it, it's tasty! This drink is great for Sunday brunch when you want something a little lighter than a Bloody Mary.
 1-12oz bottle Corona® beer or similar style Mexican beer
 1 ½ cups Tomato Juice
 3 tbs. Mezclajete® Especial Salsa Picante Hot Sauce
 3 tbs. Fresh Lime Juice (about 2 limes)
 1 Lime for wedges
 1 ½ tsp. Tamari or Soy Sauce
 Salt to rim the glass (optional)

Cut one lime into wedges and squeeze the juice of the 2 other limes into a pitcher. Take one of the lime wedges and moisten the 1/2 the rim of the glass and place the moisten rim into salt. Fill glass with ice. Pour tomato juice, beer, Mezclajete® Especial Salsa Picante Hot Sauce and Tamari into the pitcher and stir gently. Pour over ice and garnish with a lime wedge. Serve immediately. Makes 2 serving.