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Mezclajeté® Especial Chilaquiles

These chilaquiles are great for breakfast or brunch.
 1-14 oz can Whole Peeled Tomatoes
 ½ of a White Onion, coarsely chopped
 1 small Garlic clove, peeled
 1 tbs. fresh Cilantro leaves, loosely packed
 ¼ tsp dried Oregano
 3 tbs. Mezclajete® Especial Salsa Picante Hot Sauce (add more if you want a spicier sauce)
 1 tbs. Oil (we recommend Grapeseed Oil)
 30 Tortilla Chips, store bought in a bag*
 1 oz. Cotija Cheese (or more if you like a lot of cheese)
 1 tbs. Fresh Cilantro, chopped
 ¼ cup Diced White Onion
 Optional - Eggs

To make the sauce:

In a blender, add the whole peeled tomatoes (including the juice), coarsely chopped onion, garlic, cilantro leaves and oregano and blend until smooth. In a large sauté pan, heat oil over medium high heat. Add the sauce from the blender and Mezclajete® Especial Salsa Picante Hot Sauce to pan and lower the heat to medium-low. Stir sauce and cover. Cook for approximately 5 minutes, stirring sauce occasionally.

To make the Chilaquiles:

Turn heat off and add the tortilla chips to the pan, coating the chips with the sauce. The residual heat and the sauce will begin to soften the crunchy tortilla chips. If you like your chips more firm, plate the chilaquiles now. If you like them softer, leave them in the sauce until the chips wilt a little more.

Plate the chilaquiles and garnish with cotija cheese, chopped cilantro and diced onion. Optional - Top with a fried egg. Makes 2 servings.

*Note: You can substitute homemade tortilla chips for the bagged chips if you prefer. Cut corn tortillas into strips and fry them in oil until crisp. Drain on a paper towel to cool. Follow the same cooking directions as with the bagged chips.

Variations: You can add shredded chicken, pork, or beef to the sauce before adding the tortilla chips.