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Mezclajeté® Coco-Nutty Piña Margarita

This Coconut Pineapple Margarita has the tropical taste reminiscent of Cancun, with a little something extra; a dash of spice from Mezclajete® Especial Salsa Picante.
 1oz Tequila
 4 oz Pineapple Coconut Juice
 ¾ tsp Mezclajete® Especial Salsa Picante
 Pineapple wedge - Garnish
 Toasted Unsweetened Coconut - Garnish

Put ice into a blender. Add tequila, pineapple coconut juice, and Mezclajete® Especial. Blend until frothy. Pour into margarita glass. Sprinkle the top of the margarita with toasted coconut and garnish with a pineapple wedge.

Serves 1